just kidding, its been only ... 1..2..3.. erm ...5 days. lol . so..time flies nono, NEWYEAR FLIES-.- hai over ler. ='( da long waited preparation ended lika b l i n k - o,O@@
anyway watched quite alot of movies during these few days ;d
LAw.. sumting, forgottan=/ Fann's movie. great!
and.. "men hu" oso GREAT .
AND on friday,, slept over @ boyfriend house..wento ECP wif him on da following saturday and rode for.. 485692 HOURS . ;P haas , from one end to anothr , never ending lea kaos . first time rode soooo far & first time my bf rode so slow=x my bike sucks & tt xplain why i rode like tortise & my boy is so sweeet to xchange on our long journey back..hees. && aft tat had lunch @ bk && da fats we burnt came back T_T but we burnt in off again by walking from ecp to siglap. o.O & we drank ALOT today .. had a wonderful day wif him =) muacks .
my common tests next week. hope i can @ least pass ALL ;d STUDYING HARD PEOPLE ;) oh yah anyway i highlighted my hair again, no more blackhair days.. haa.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
EVE , 17022007 o.O!
when all of us had our reunion dinner together;d steamboat as usual representing the amount of happiness&love whatever, shared. ;d

and so on CHU ER , wento my cousins' hse @ klanelane.. aft XYZ days finally we met. i wonder why dont we met on streets blabla we sumtimes really just geddo meet once or twice a year so pityful right-.- but despite the so less amt of days we met, we're still as close n can jus joke our ass off .. n laughed like shit.lol.im proud of US;d hehehe.
p.s : actually i've got more of my cousins&I pics but sorry due to cannot find them problem;/
aft tat wento boyfriend house n had fun.but someone ruined it. forget it. but anyway i'd fun @ boyfriend house & receive tons of reds.HAAHA.. won quite alot cos im lucky ! ;p and my boyfriend made my day .. he just reallllly did . i love you very much my boy.;d
seeyou tmr;p i miss him ``
EVE , 17022007 o.O!
when all of us had our reunion dinner together;d steamboat as usual representing the amount of happiness&love whatever, shared. ;d

So on CHU YI ; people came my house because my grandma is here so didnt went out until when mom decided to visit my brother's god mother aka my mother's good fren aka my uncle's 'girlfriend' . perhaps our main motive to there is to visit her lil grand son named jos. he's eurasian. very pretty in real life.;d anw da advantage of having a god-ma is so different from -don't hv any- cos my bro literally receive 100$ while i only received 20$ from the same her but we're of different status la - >.<

parts of my house & my bro friends came to collect HBs while waiting for the rest of da visitors.;d

and so on CHU ER , wento my cousins' hse @ klanelane.. aft XYZ days finally we met. i wonder why dont we met on streets blabla we sumtimes really just geddo meet once or twice a year so pityful right-.- but despite the so less amt of days we met, we're still as close n can jus joke our ass off .. n laughed like shit.lol.im proud of US;d hehehe.
p.s : actually i've got more of my cousins&I pics but sorry due to cannot find them problem;/
aft tat wento boyfriend house n had fun.but someone ruined it. forget it. but anyway i'd fun @ boyfriend house & receive tons of reds.HAAHA.. won quite alot cos im lucky ! ;p and my boyfriend made my day .. he just reallllly did . i love you very much my boy.;d
seeyou tmr;p i miss him ``
Friday, February 16, 2007
This was a really simple celebrations. we didnt hang out alone. like we went wif his mom bro sis n cousin which i really don't know why. i wasnt really in tt mood seriously but forgeddit since it was our 2nd year n since th next day is newyear..so ya close one eye ;/ haaa.. went to sushi && shopped ad tm n finally ive completed 3/4 of my newyr shopping. anyway, HAPPY TWO YEARS ! 160207`* __ Muack love;D
wento sch n had our half day sch... anw had buffet in sch n my class is onie 1/4 filled wif students.. 0.o`

ok thts all & YMCA 2007 4B ROCK big tyme ;D
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My boyfriend prepared mi a meal. Hmm.. it is not as simple but simple as in we didnt went out to squeez w da rest but had our own simple celebrations:) hehes. realised tt he had put in efforts for that n im reallly thankful even tho @ first my face turned black due to certain reasons, i stil had enjoy. hehe. he got mi a rose.:) a pretty rose.=) one pretty rose is enough ba..hee.. ;p anyway this is our 2nd valentines' day!!

My boyfriend prepared mi a meal. Hmm.. it is not as simple but simple as in we didnt went out to squeez w da rest but had our own simple celebrations:) hehes. realised tt he had put in efforts for that n im reallly thankful even tho @ first my face turned black due to certain reasons, i stil had enjoy. hehe. he got mi a rose.:) a pretty rose.=) one pretty rose is enough ba..hee.. ;p anyway this is our 2nd valentines' day!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007
9 *FEBURARY*2007
& this is hw dey surprised mi by bringing in this yummylicious in de middle of d singing , off the lights & bday song was played. haaaa it was so romantic & im like so blissed @ that moment..
so we went kpartying @ cuppage . throughout, all of us were highing & i guess everyone did enjoy right hees. :D
so BIG thanks for de 7 of you girls keep in contacts k ? :D
when i hv sch again on a saturday morning, went, and.. aft that met jieyong:) he got mi a watch n swensen's was he's treat. wanted to catch a movie but none caught our eyes so ya we shopped ard n ive got a pair of heels 4 newyear n he got studs which costed $15 a pair T.T && we took neoprints lah hees.:D
- T H A N K Y O U B A B Y -
aft tt wento his hse chilled & he'd to go for his earli reunion as his aunties wil b going away so ya he went ard 5+ while i went home n met up wif crys ard 7 n liang & fy ard 7 + towning.-
so we went for kpartying n we sang , but crys n liang were like shy bratts n dats reallllly irritating but everytyme when it was abt tu end mayb 2 or less den an hr more, everyone got high n ya.. vince joined us a while n he sang so mono lor.. lol.
Monday, February 05, 2007
hai, guess what, ive had rashes on ma face & i looked horrible.=(( i've nt been to sch for 3 days n im missing reallyy alot.sigh. im v afraid tt it wont recover b4 friday;'( my bdae is around d corner n ive to endure these.WHY:'(
to 2006 && girls -
i'm not sure if that celebration still can go on but i sincerely hope it can..
i don't even dare to go out cos i really look terrible.SIGH* i hope all these had nv happened..
misss ue my boy, alot -
to 2006 && girls -
i'm not sure if that celebration still can go on but i sincerely hope it can..
i don't even dare to go out cos i really look terrible.SIGH* i hope all these had nv happened..
misss ue my boy, alot -
Thursday, February 01, 2007
hAppYbURfdaytOmY.mR.tEoJERROME.on the 30th ~ ! :D
had lunch-cum-dinner @ tampines, where this sukisushi is located @ da inside of d stadium right.. HAha, with his family.had tons of great food & it was realllly affording & yummy=) his dad's budget was 200 & unfortunately we didn't hit that, haas.- aft tat wento his house for tt cake cutting section..=)

IT tasted just as great=)

LOOKED ! how my boyfriend smiled like asif theres billion falling = D
happybirthday boy, & this is our 2nd year celebrating ur bdae((:
hope i can celebrate ur bdae w ue everyyear.Muacks.*.*
a simple smile of his enlightened my day-
i wanto see ur beautiful smile everyday-
Baby, ure my joy to life-
aft sch met dar &.. brought a new masacra&eyeliner.cost mi a bomb ~
Parents' went overseas, missing lyke SHITTT -
School is fine, maths tchr totally gone.- Argh~
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